Mexico is a country where forced disappearance has gained special relevance due to the failed policy of the State. The State’s complicity or omission against drug trafficking has resulted in more than 100,000 disappeared. Due to the inability and indifference of local authorities and federal authorities to locate these missing persons, civil society has organized. There are groups, mainly composed of women, who have decided to go through the local territories in search of the victims and what they have found are numerous clandestine graves. This action against oblivion is, in turn, claimed in the cooking ritual. It is in this intimate space where a social act appears that is organized around meals, around the table. Moments of meeting and sharing. Feeding the other, feeding ourselves, together. The memories we have of a homemade dish is part of our memory and identity. Those flavors and smells are registered in us. Thus, the pork pozole that Yolanda cooked for Roberto carries in itself the memory of the relationship that existed between them.


The Recipe Book for Memory, is a gastronomic, photographic and social project that wants to pay tribute to all the women who are looking for their relatives who have been disappeared in different parts of the Mexican territory. It is also a way of making visible an otherwise complex issue through culinary work through the life and memory of women who actively contribute to generate change in this issue of human rights.


  • Recipe Book for Memory is a recipe book.

  • It is a memory book to present those who are not there.

  • It is a bridge to connect realities.

  • It is a project that wants to produce profits for the search for truth and justice.

  • It is a book of the favorite dishes of those who are no longer there, those who have been disappeared.